Wednesday 24 February 2021


Refer to page 10 of your textbook. Read the poem and do the foot puppet as outlined in your textbook. 

Record of a video of you reciting the poem whilst holding a foot puppet.  

Submit your work at under the topic "toes poem" and language skill "language arts"


Watch the video below to understand the concept of the conjunctions "and', "but", "or" and "so" 

 Then, write in your exercise book the following : 

Fill in the blanks and submit your work under the topic "Conjunctions", language skill "Writing" 


Tuesday 16 February 2021


 This is considered classwork and is OPTIONAL for you to finish if you didn't finish it whilst in class. 

Complete the following worksheet at


TASK 4 & 5 (YEAR 6)

TASK 4  

Watch the video below. 

Based on this video, sequence the plot points below. You can print this/ rewrite it in your exercise book. 

Snap and  submit your work under "UNIT 1: READING A WINDOW TO THE WORLD", language skill "READING" at


Refer to the picture below. You can print/ rewrite the task in your exercise book. Punctuate all 3 sentences correctly. 

Snap and  submit your work under "PUNCTUATION", language skill "WRITING" at   

TASK 4 & 5 (YEAR 5)

Task 4 

Do the work above in your exercise book. Snap and submit your work at or, topic "Possessive 'S", language skill "LISTENING"

Those who missed the 9th February Google Meet, DO NOT HAVE TO DO THIS WORK. 

Task 5

Refer to the pictures below. Record and upload a recording/video of yourself answering the questions with either "Yes, I am/Yes, it is/ No, I'm not, No, it isn't/Yes, they are, No, they aren't" 

Submit it at or choose the topic "TALK ABOUT SELF", language skill "SPEAKING"

TASK 2 & 3 (YEAR 6)

TASK 2  

Listen to this video

Download the worksheet here 

You are to fill in the blanks based on the video/write down the answers in your exercise book like below

Submit your work under the topic "Unit 1 : Reading - A Window to the World", language skill "LISTENING" at


Choose any book. Talk about the book in either a video recording or a voice note.  You are encouraged to use the following structure 



Submit your work under the topic "Unit 1 : Reading - A Window to the World", language skill "SPEAKING" at

TASK 2 & 3 (YEAR 5)

Task 2 

Do this in your exercise book. Snap a picture of your work, submit under the topic "HOBBIES & INTERESTS", language skill "WRITING" at or

Task 3

Record a simple voice note/video on what you like doing and don't like doing. 

 "I like __________ but I don't like _________"

Submit under the topic "HOBBIES & INTERESTS", language skill "SPEAKING" at or


TASK 1 (YEAR 5 & YEAR 6)

Finish the following worksheets or simply write down the same details in a plain piece of paper. 

or download the pdf here

Submit according to your class url under the topic "SELF-INTRODUCTION WORKSHEET", and language skill "WRITING" 

Monday 1 February 2021

Year 6 - Reading : A Window to the World #Lesson 1

Firstly, please either print the worksheets through this link 

or list numbers 1 - 45 in your exercise book, like below. 

Watch and listen to the video below. Make sure to read the text inside of it too. Then, try to fill in the blanks in the worksheets below based on the video you've just heard. You may request to repeat the video for a maximum of 3 times. 

For those using their exercise book, below are numbered blanks so that you know what words to write for each number. 

Then, for HOMEWORK, look at the speaking structure below. 

Record a voice note or a video of you talking about a certain book using the same structure, like the one given  below 

Slides credit to Chiah Siew Fei's Youtube Channel 

Snap pictures of BOTH work/ Save it as a file and send it to  

You would have to fill in the form twice.

For the listening worksheet, choose language skills


For the voice note/video, choose language skills


You have until 8th of February to complete these 2 tasks. 

I will be checking your work through

Till next time, kiddos!