Tuesday 16 February 2021

TASK 4 & 5 (YEAR 5)

Task 4 

Do the work above in your exercise book. Snap and submit your work at bit.ly/work5petunia or bit.ly/work5orchid, topic "Possessive 'S", language skill "LISTENING"

Those who missed the 9th February Google Meet, DO NOT HAVE TO DO THIS WORK. 

Task 5

Refer to the pictures below. Record and upload a recording/video of yourself answering the questions with either "Yes, I am/Yes, it is/ No, I'm not, No, it isn't/Yes, they are, No, they aren't" 

Submit it at bit.ly/work5petunia or bit.ly/work5orchid choose the topic "TALK ABOUT SELF", language skill "SPEAKING"

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